
‘We have a choice: we can have a cynical attitude in the face of the media, to say that nothing can be done… Or we can simply assume incredulity: But there is a third option that is neither conformity, nor skepticism, nor distrust: that is to construct a different way — we called for the creation of a network of independent media, a network of information…. We need this network not only as a tool for our social movements but for our lives: this is a project of life, humanity — humanity which has a right to critical and truthful information’…

Subcomandante Marcos (January, 1997)

The Aboriginal Press News Service (APNS) is the official newswire of the Aboriginal News Group (ANG), an International association representing Indigenist blog-journalists covering Indigenous/First Nations news. Our wordpress.com page focuses on the often under-reported international security, environmental and human rights issues that impact Indigenous Peoples, Communities and our unique Life-ways.


  1. Congratulations ANG
    I have nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2013 Award
    More about this nomination is at:
    Blog of the Year 2013 award, thanks Dear Kitty

  2. Good luck with your writings and hopefully for leaving an open mind for different opinions and writers from all sort groups.

  3. Michi Zeebee · · Reply

    Something is a little weird here. This “Your Ward News” newspaper says “Métis Owned And Operated Since 2007″ right on its front cover. And in the latest issue it has a full article on the Aboriginal holocaust. I also went on the web site for the newspaper’s political party, called The New Constitution Party of Canada, and they praise the Aboriginal people. The party leader also claims that he was raised to consider himself a “guest” in a country “owned” by Aboriginals. I did some research on the activist blog you are linking to and it is run by a Zhaagnaash who has a personal issue with the Métis publisher of the paper, and it appears he is trying to inflame our community. In future, please do more research before you post words that may indirectly harm our people. I am proud that a Métis publishes this paper and has the courage to publish details of the holocaust against our people.

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