I CARE – – Germany: Can you ‘de-radicalize’ a right-wing community?

23/2/2016- Attacks on refugee housing and anti-immigrant protests have given Saxony a bad name . Its state premier, Stanislaw Tillich, announced on Tuesday that he and his cabinet would devise a new strategy to combat right-wing radicals to save the state’s reputation. The idea that right-wing ideology is only found in isolated pockets of German society has been debunked in Saxony, which is not only the birthplace of Pegida, but also one of the first states where the “Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD) party won seats in parliament. So, Tillich and his government must “de-radicalize” entire communities in some cases. Germany already has intervention programs aimed at the neo-Nazi scene. One such program, “EXIT Deutschland,” has used a strategy of open dialogue, outreach and personal safety plans to help over 700 people escape the most dangerous, militant part of the scene. This requires separating an individual from the source of danger and completely changing their mindset, which can take years. Saxony faces a daunting task given tensions over the refugee crisis and the rise of anti-immigrant violence. But is it a realistic task?

via I CARE – – News – Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe.

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