Category #Every28Hours

Petition Update · Sandra Bland Activists Interview Waller County Sheriff. Get Arrested. Twitter Springs Into Action! ·

Well not only did they manage to talk to actual current inmates, former inmates…obtain the actual plastic trash bags used within the jail (to see if an adult human being could reasonably ‘hang’ him or herself with the type of bags used in the facility as the county is claiming Ms. Bland allegedly did)…they scored […]

July 25th: Million People’z March Against Police Brutality | Moorbey’z Blog

SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015, 12:00 NOON. MARCH BEGINS AT THE LINCOLN MONUMENT, INTERSECTION OF SPRINGFIELD AVENUE & WEST MARKET STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEYPolice brutality is an ongoing, growing and deadly problem in the United States of America.It includes the unwarranted and unjustified killing of unarmed people, the use of excessive force, the violation of peoples’ […]

Una muestra de arte recrea la celda diminuta donde el fallecido Herman Wallace pasó 42 años aislado | Democracy Now!

Hablamos con la artista Jackie Sumell de Nueva Orleans sobre su colaboración con el ex preso y miembro de la agrupación Panteras Negras, Herman Wallace. Como Democracy Now! informó en octubre de 2013, Wallace murió días después de ser liberado de casi 42 años en aislamiento, tras la anulación de su condena. Era uno de […]

Surveillance planes spotted in the sky for days after West Baltimore rioting – The Washington Post

Discovery of the flights — which involved at least two airplanes and the assistance of the FBI — has prompted the American Civil Liberties Union to demand answers about the legal authority for the operations and the reach of the technology used. Planes armed with the latest surveillance systems can monitor larger areas than police […]

Apartheid Games: Baltimore, Urban America and Camden Yards | The Nation

There was a moment at Saturday’s protests—two weeks after the police severed the spine of Freddie Gray—when police revealed themselves. I was there and can tell you that for most of the day it was stunning how light the police presence appeared to be. They made the choice to turn the West Baltimore police station, […]

Exclusive: Mumia Abu-Jamal Releases New Prison Radio Commentary on Walter Scott Shooting | Democracy Now!

Imprisoned journalist and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal has spoken out from a prison infirmary about the police killing of Walter Scott in South Carolina. Abu-Jamal, who is seriously ill at SCI Mahanoy, rose from his infirmary bed to record the commentary after a fellow prisoner wheeled in a TV so he could watch coverage […]

Mumia Abu-Jamal Moved from Prison to Intensive Care, Supporters Seek Access and Answers | Democracy Now!

JOHANNA FERNÁNDEZ: — Keith Cook, for the past 20 hours. Pam Africa, Ramona Africa, they all drove there from Harrisburg, where the case of the silencing act was being heard before the third circuit court. Immediately, after that ended, they rushed up to Pottsville, and the doctors will not speak to us. They will not […]

Mumia Hospitalized: Family Visitation Denied | Prison Radio

ACTION ALERT   Demand Mumia’s family hospital visitation rights   At 1pm EST today, Mumia Abu-Jamal had a medical emergency and was taken to the Intensive Care Unit at Schuylkill Medical Center in Pottsville, PA. SCI Mahanoy prison officials are blocking all family visits at Schuylkill. Mumia’s family is currently waiting at Schuylkill. We have absolutely […]

Journalist Arrested In Ferguson: I Didn’t Resist, ‘I’m Not An Idiot’

Protests have continued since Brown, who was black and unarmed, was shot and killed Aug. 9 by then-Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Moore is one of an estimated two dozen journalists from around the world and among the hundreds of people who’ve been arrested in Ferguson. Moore, whose videos have been used by The Associated […]

Mississippi hanging: 30 federal agents investigate cause of black man’s death | US news | The Guardian

The agents are interviewing Byrd’s friends and family, and searching through his home and a storage space as they try to determine whether it was a homicide or suicide, FBI special agent Don Alway said. Byrd lived about 200 yards from the tree, which was in woods down a dirt road behind his house. “Everybody […]

PressTV-‘Michael Brown’s family to file suit’

The move came after the Department of Justice failed to bring civil rights charges against officer Wilson on Wednesday clearing him of federal charges in the fatal shooting of Brown on August 9, 2014.After the ruling was issued, US Attorney General Eric Holder said a lengthy investigation into the shooting of the unarmed teenager has […]

The Justice Department also says Ferguson police tolerated sexual harassment of female officers – The Washington Post

However, tucked away in a footnote toward the end of the report, investigators also described another troubling trend: Evidence suggested that the department, which included very few female police officers, “tolerates sexual harassment by male officers.” While this fact is not given the same attention as the other issues uncovered by investigators, it is offered less […]

Washington State Senator: ‘Colored’ People More Likely to Commit Crimes – The Root

“I guess I don’t understand why our laws that we already have don’t already have the oversight of this particular situation that you’re talking about. So are you indicating that we would then change our laws, that if you are someone of color and you commit a crime, that your sentence would be different than […]

Video Shows Los Angeles Police Shooting That Killed A Homeless Man – BuzzFeed News

Witnesses identified the man by his street name, “Africa,” according to the Los Angeles Times. Witnesses said he had been living in a tent on Skid Row for several months and had spent some time in a mental health facility. There have been 12 fatal officer-involved incidents in downtown Los Angeles since 2000, according to […]

Bad lieutenant: American police brutality, exported from Chicago to Guantánamo | US news | The Guardian

The Guardian examined thousands of court documents from Chicago and interviewed two dozen people with experience at Guantánamo and in the Chicago criminal-justice system. The results of its investigation suggests a continuum between Guantánamo interrogation rooms and Chicago police precincts. Zuley’s detective work, particularly when visited on Chicago’s minority communities, contains a dark foreshadowing of […]

Driver Beaten, Arrested as Cops Heard Saying “Turn Off Dashcam” (VIDEO) / Sputnik International

The video also shows Officer Nathaniel Burkemper arguing with Buford before dragging out of the car, then several police officers rushing in and repeatedly shocking him with a taser. After the suspect was handcuffed, officers attempted to get him on his feet, that’s when an officer identified as Kelli Swinton is heard saying, “we’re red […]

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